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Group Spiritual Direction: An Introductory Opportunity

Updated: Nov 2, 2020

The crisp air, the trees full of color, curling up by a fire, flannel shirts, and pumpkin spice! Is fall your favorite season? Not mine, fall usually means darkness, a blah feeling and lack of energy.

Seasonal Affective Disorder has been part of my routine for years. Things like getting outside, exercising, changing my meds and trying to eat healthy are techniques that I have developed over the years to get me through. And yoga and meditation! Don’t ever skip the yoga and meditation. I know the things that make it easier to get through this time of year. However, what is new is a pandemic where the things that give us hope during the months of November and December, such as family, holiday food, and traditions are bringing us uncertainly and anxiety. How do we make plans for Thanksgiving when we don’t know what the numbers are going to be in a month? Will we be able gather in the same house together? Will we be able to gather in our congregations on Christmas? What happens to all the traditions we have followed year after year? Is there a way to pivot? Do I even have the energy for it?

As I hear people express their own fears my mind has gone down several different paths. How can we support each other? How people gather, as much as we can ‘gather’ right now, to quiet their mind in a way that fits into their busy day?

I am going to try a Zoom gathering for five Mondays in November and December. It will be a shortened version of group spiritual direction that will include a time to share stories and time to engage in mindfulness and quiet. If you think that this could be valuable for you and the idea of accountability to a group for 5 weeks is just what you need I encourage you reach out and give it a try.

You can register by emailing me directly.

The Details: Introduction to Group Spiritual Direction and Mindfulness

This will be a chance to take time for quiet and focusing on your self-care. As we move through the unknown and difficulties of this holiday season, I hope this can become a place to release fear and focus on peace.

5 weeks on Monday Nights, 9:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. via Zoom

November 16, 23, 30, December 7, 14

$45 for 5 weeks (The group will be limited to 4 people)

If you are interested or I get more than 4 people I will explore other times. Contact me with your interest.

This will be a shortened version of group spiritual direction with prayer and mindfulness techniques.

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